Thursday, November 30, 2006


Hey Jazzy,
You think you will get your guts up enough to ask maddie to the movie I will email you the person who I will Ask.
I got my class picture this week so you can look if you want.


Dr. Jaz said...

I did have the guts

KFS said...


What if Maddie reads this post?


Dr. Jaz said...

It's not my fault!!!!!!

Dr. Jaz said...

Ask me about my locker and my boots on Friday

Dr. Jaz said...

Post something man!

Connor said...

what jasper said

Dr. Jaz said...

The best movie is The Day After Tomorrow. It's great. Post Something!!!!

Dr. Jaz said...

POST SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Connor said...

Herro. This is Connor. I agree with Jazz -- you should post something. And don't name it "movies" this time.

Dr. Jaz said...

I agree with Con-man. In other words I am agreeing with myself. Post Something!!!!!!

Connor said...

(ask Jazz what that means)